THe Sanctum Flagship Campaign

Change someone’s life, give them the tools they
need for a brighter future.

About the Campaign

Help her rise!

How do we build our nation? How do we help women break the glass ceiling that has so often been considered impenetrable? We help them rise from a young age. We teach them to believe in themselves at a time when they are still forming opinions and developing their minds. We empower them in their journey to becoming independent and successful women. 

How can we achieve this?

A first of its kind in South Africa, the Award a Girl Child [AaGC] campaign seeks to ensure that young girls are recognised for their excellence and supported in fostering their strengths while improving their weaknesses. Building a nation of strong, powerful and successful young women is the ultimate goal.

The campaign vision is to drive the advancement and growth of the untapped talents and aspirations of South Africa’s youth. Offering mentorship and exposure from the media, industry leaders, corporates, institutions, multi-national companies and the public ensures that talented South African girls (aged 8 to 18 years old) from all walks of life are offered unique and inspiring opportunities.

More information on the Campaign will be shared in due course. Should we wish to find out more about the Campaign and how to get involved please email us here.

The time is now

The time to make an impact is now.

Change someone’s life, give them the tools they need for a brighter future.

Watch them exceed expectations.